Melting Snowman Ornament
Do you want to build a snowman… ornament?

Gather your materials! You will need: a battery-operated tealight; a Sharpie; a hot glue gun (requires help from an adult); white cardstock or cardboard; scissors; pipe cleaners; ribbon; and any other decorations – felt, buttons, coloured paper, etc.

What does a snowman leave behind when he melts? A puddle! Draw a puddle on the white cardstock. Cut it out (or ask an adult to help).

The tealight will be your snowman’s face. Use the Sharpie to draw eyes and a mouth around the light-up nose.

Cut a small hole in the cardstock to access the on/off switch on the tealight, then use the hot glue gun to glue the tealight down (with adult help). Make sure the switch is accessible.

What was your snowman wearing? Some suggestions: cut a hat out of black felt or construction paper and glue it to the tealight. Use a length of ribbon to make a scarf and glue it under the tealight around the snowman’s ‘neck.’ Use small buttons and glue them where they fell into the puddle.

Use the pipe cleaners to represent sticks for snowman arms and hands.

Glue a loop of ribbon on the back to hang your light-up snowman on your tree – or anywhere else!