Paper Heart Origami
Learn how to make a paper heart just like Stu does! Follow along with the video above and the instructions below. You’ll need a square piece of paper to start.

Fold a square piece of paper in half diagonally and then unfold it.

Fold the square in half diagonally from left to right and then unfold it.

Turn your square so it becomes a diamond.

Fold the top corner down to the middle of the paper.

Fold the bottom corner up to the top edge of the paper.

Fold the bottom right corner up to the top edge on the paper.

Fold the bottom left corner up to the top edge on the paper.

Flip your paper over.

Fold the top right triangle down toward the middle of the paper.

Fold the top left triangle down to the middle of the paper.

Fold the right side point towards the middle of the paper.

Fold the left side point towards middle of the paper.

Flip your paper over. Congratulations! You’re done! You made a paper heart! Now you can share it with a friend.