
Pet Rock

A pet is an easy responsibility with this pet rock tutorial. We made a turtle, but you can create other animals too.




Pet Rock

A pet is an easy responsibility with this pet rock tutorial. We made a turtle, but you can create other animals too.


Gather your materials. You’ll need a good size rock, paint and paintbrush, markers, paper, scissors, glue, googly eyes, and stick-on gemstones.



Wash and dry your rock. Paint it with your base colour.



Use your other base colours to make designs. Make sure you leave space for a face.



Glue your googly eyes to the face. You can add a mouth with markers or paint.



Glue your gems on to add sparkle to your design!



Take your paper and markers. Draw four legs and a tail, then cut them out and glue them to the bottom of your rock.



Great job! Now what did you name your pet rock? Ours is a turtle named Guy!
