Pipe Cleaner Candles
Shine bright with this pipe cleaner craft!

Gather your materials: pipe cleaners! Our demonstration uses seven pipe cleaners (four blue, three white, and two yellow) to make a base and four candles, but you can add or take away as many as you want. You will also need scissors.

Bend one pipe cleaner into a circle. This is your base!

Cut one of your yellow pipe cleaners in half. Wrap one end around the base and loop the other end to make the flame.

Cut your blue and white pipe cleaners in half. Take two halves and twist them together, then wrap them around the yellow pipe cleaner up to the bottom of the flame. Now you have one candle!

Repeat to make as many candles as you want. If you want a larger base, you can use two or more pipe cleaners to make a bigger circle.

Set the craft anywhere you want to have candles, but open flame is not safe. This can be modified to make a flameless menorah, to put candles on Christmas tree branches, or to wear as a crown of lights – or so many more ways! NOTE: the pipe cleaners are very flammable, so make sure they do NOT get near any real flames.