Trash Bug Craft
Don’t let trash go to waste! Use anything you have lying around at home to create a unique family of bugs.

Gather up whatever materials you can find at home to make your bug bodies. We’ve used egg carton cups, plastic spoons, tin cans (washed out well), coffee sleeves, and toilet paper rolls, but you can use whatever you have on hand! For decorations, you may want pipe cleaners, googly eyes, pom poms, paper, sequins, or buttons, for example. You will also need scissors, glue, and paint or markers.

You can make any kind of bug you want! We’ll make a spider to show you how we’ve done it. Start with an egg carton and some pipe cleaners.

Cut four pipe cleaners in half to make eight legs. Glue each leg to the outside of the egg carton.

Add some googly eyes and a little smile. Then say hi!

You can decorate your new spider friend however you want. We suggest a hat made out of buttons and pom poms!

Make as many bugs as you want with the rest of your materials. A spoon makes a great body. You can cut wings out of a coffee sleeve or toilet paper roll (or ask an adult to help). Use sequins, pom poms, buttons, paint, and markers to design your bugs and make them unique!